Saturday, September 26, 2015


Your body is a master piece of this nature. It relates well to whatever is natural such as food in the way nature produces it. It is the best chemical factory that exists. Trillions of cells at your disposal always working to keep your organism in balance. 

If you eat an orange or a banana, the cells of your body know exactly what to do with it. They are naturally related. It digests it and assimilate it with ease. If you eat junk food your body knows what to do with it as well, but it works way much harder and spends way much more energy to extract from it what can be used, if anything. Right there you just caused your cells to be out of balance. The wasted energy could be used for something else.

In the whole process, the cells create ways to adjust to the new chemical components that you just introduced to it - The holy junk food! After all they have to work to keep your organism in balance. By doing that, it develops cravings and addictions that now you have the tendency to support. Now it becomes harder and it costs more money.

But guess what? That is exactly what the company that sold that junk wanted in the first place. Most of them have spent millions of dollars on researches to find out how our body works in such situations and how to make their “food” so tasty that you would forget about your body and you shovel that junk in. I do it too, sometimes! They even convince us through the labels on their packaging. It is like, we surrender. It has to be good, we think! 

You give away your own power of decision and now you do what they want you to do, and yet, you pay them to deteriorate your body slowly. Even so, the less cautious say “who cares?”…and that’s where the problem lies. You giving up on yourself!

As you can conclude your body does not do so well when you eat what has been modified. It was not created to work that way. You may not realize it now but in the long run you will pay the price. It is not hard to see. Just look around or listen to some stories of those that you know that struggle with health issues because they submitted themselves to cravings and addictions. They made poor choices. 

You don’t have follow that path. You are a college student. Someone who uses critical thinking to distinguish right from wrong. You know how human body works and you also know the profitable business behind modified food to taste better and to stay longer on shelves to sell more. 

You don’t have to change it all at once, but start by reducing the number of times that you eat it in a week. Your obligation is only to yourself, but by starting to change the habit to a healthy one, your mind will start operating towards that goal and it will help you become aware of ways to get there. You will live a healthier life and you will be an example to others.

…and so it goes!
I hope this helps.

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